Hymns Collection
We chose hymns that exalted God’s power and majesty. The Lord had impressed upon us His desire to breathe new life into these hymns for our generation; our own hearts were the first to be touched. We succeeded in preserving the traditional dignity of each hymn within a refreshing, yet intimate, contemporary setting. Hymns received a Dove Award for Inspirational Album of the Year.
1. All Creatures of Our God and King
2. My Jesus I Love Thee
3. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
4. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
5. Crown Him with Many Crowns
6. Take My Life And Let It Be(Nottingham)
7. Holy, Holy, Holy
8. Fairest Lord Jesus
9. O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
10. How Great Thou Art
12. He Has Formed Me
13. Medley (Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus/Praise the Lord The Almighty/ All Hail the Power of Jesus Name Doxology)
14. Be Still My Soul
15. It is Well With My Soul
16. A Mighty Fortress
17. This Is My Father’s World
18. Come Thou Long-expected Jesus
19. O For A Thousand Tongues
20. O Sacred Head Now Wounded
21. Morning Has Broken
22. Purify Me
Songs can be downloaded at