Hymns Instrumental
Instrumental performances built around the original tracks from Hymns and Hymns II, provide music that draws the listener into wordless worship.
1. Medley
2. All Creature of Our God and King
3. It is Well With My Soul
4. My Jesus I Love Thee
5. This is My Father’s World
6. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
7. O For A Thousand Tongues
8. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
9. Morning Has Broken
10. Crown Him With Many Crowns
11. Be Still My Soul
12. Holy, Holy, Holy
13. A Might Fortress
14. Fairest Lord Jesus
15. Come Thou Long-expected Jesus
16. O The Deep, Deep, Love of Jesus
17. O Sacred Head Now Wounded
18. He Has Formed Me