Roar of Love
This was based on the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. This was the project I had the most fun recording. All the vocals were cut in a bedroom of the house we lived in at the time. We had converted our garage into a mixing room, knocked a hole in the bedroom wall and ran a microphone cord into it. It also marked the extensive use of synthesizers, which were monophonic at the time. This meant every note of a chord had to be played and recorded one at a time, very time consuming! The other thing that amazed me about this project was the fact it was recorded on a 16-track, 2-inch tape machine. There were many instances where we had to record four or more parts on a single track (anyone who knows anything about recording will understand the challenges that would create in the mixing stage!).
1. Are you Goin’ to Narnia?
2. Aslan is Killed
3. Lucy’s Long Gone
4. The Roar of Love
5. Tell the Truth
6. I’ve Heard the Stars Sing Before
7. Turkish Delight
8. He’s Broken Thru
9. Son of Adam, Daughter of Eve
10. Witch’s Demise/Get into Your Head
11. Christmas Where are You?
12. Something is Happening in Me
13. Gifts from Father Christmas
14. White Stag